A strong and resilient immune system is something that adapts to stress and fights off bacteria, viruses, and foreign pathogens. It is NOT something simply given to you, but rather something you build from birth.
Your First Immune System
The first part of your immune system is built during the birthing process! As a baby passes through the mother's birth canal, the baby gets "seeded" with moms good bacteria. That beneficial bacteria enters the respiratory channels and initiates the body's natural defense systems in the airways. So when baby breaths in air for the first time, they have little microorganisms fighting for them. When baby's are breastfed, the mom passes her immunity onto baby through the breast milk. This means that when baby is sick, mom passes specific antibodies onto baby, just based on the baby's saliva! If mom had certain illnesses (like the Measles), mom passes those antibodies onto the baby so they are more protected. The relationship between mother and baby builds so much natural immunity. Its the greatest tool a baby can get to build a healthy immune system.
Your Gut = Your Immunity
Most of our immune functions and the way we respond to stress is controlled by the health of the gut. If your gut is leaky and permeable, it allows toxins and undigested particles to enter the blood stream. This wreaks havoc on our tissues by creating inflammation in the body. When inflammation becomes chronic, you are highly susceptible to autoimmune conditions such as: Hashimotos, Celiac, Rhuematoid Arthritis, Lupus, Type 1 diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Psoriasis, and so many more. The key to a healthy immune system, is a healthy gut! Some easy tips to create a healthier gut is to eat organic foods, lessen your intake of toxins, decrease processed foods, increase polyphenol foods (fermented foods), increase probiotic intake, practice intermittent fasting, and eat fiber rich foods!
Studies have found the microbiome in our gut makes our neurotransmitters and vitamins, and also helps us digest our foods and intake our nutrients. It is imperative to our healthy functions to have a healthy and balanced microbiome.
The Chiropractic Adjustment
We must remember that our immune system is something that we build within our own body. There's no pill that can build it for you. The beauty of chiropractic is that with every adjustment, you are boosting the immune system. We know this because there have been studies where they took blood samples pre and post adjustment. What they found was that white blood cell production increased by 70%. This means that the adjustment stimulates the immune system to create more pathogen fighters for you. White blood cells eat and destroy the invasive pathogens and germs that create sickness. With more white blood cells, you have more defenses against disease! It is the best defense your body has to live healthy and symptom free.
Brennan PC, Triano JJ, McGregor M, et al: “Enhanced neutrophil respiratory burst as a biological marker for manipulation forces: duration of the effect and association with substance P and tumor necrosis factor.” JMPT 1992 15(2):83.
Selano JL, Hightower BC, Pfleger B, et al: “The effects of specific upper cervical adjustments on the CD4 counts of HIV positive patients.” Chiropractic Research Journal 1994 3(1):32
Monday 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 11:00am & 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Wednesday 2:00pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 8:00am - 11:00am & 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday CLOSED
Serving the communities of Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, Westminster, Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa, Irvine, Newport Beach, Garden Grove, Santa Ana
Thrive Family Chiropractic
18141 Beach Blvd Ste 150, Huntington Beach, California 92648