Pregnancy Care

at Thrive Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a safe, gentle and holistic form of healthcare during pregnancy. The body experiences many challenges during this amazing time of growth. This can lead to an array of symptoms such as; back pain, sciatica, headaches, carpal tunnel, hip pain, and overall discomfort. Pregnancy can also worsen or exacerbate chronic symptoms you already had before pregnancy. There may even be obstacles in your journey to become pregnant and carry a pregnancy full term.

Here at Thrive Family Chiropractic we can support you through any of these challenges whether it be pre-conception or preparation for your birth. Chiropractic care has even been known to help babyies get in the optimal head down position. Mom’s under care during pregnancy report shorter labor times, improved birth outcomes, and less need for medical interventions.

We are certified in the Webster technique which allows us to care for you at all stages; from pre-conception, to birth, and every moment in between. There is no better time than now to prepare your body for the miracle of childbirth! 


The Webster technique involves specific protocols to address the health of the nervous system and the biomechanics of the pelvis. This technique involves assessing and adjusting the bones of the pelvis, muscles, ligaments, and surrounding structures. In doing so, this allows optimal space for baby and increased comfort for mom. The webster technique was originally designed to help babies who are compromised in the breech position.  

Definitely! In fact, the Webster technique was originally applied to those specific needs of breech presenting babies. 

We have pregnancy pillows that allow you to lay face down on the table. This provides comfort and safety while assessing your body. We also use chiropractic tables tailored for adjusting pregnant women. Mom’s absolutely love the chance to lay face down with comfort! 

The benefits are numerous! These include: greater comfort, decreased pregnancy symptoms, safer birth outcomes, shorter labor times, better baby positioning and easier post-partum recovery. 

We love working with birth experts to make your pregnancy, birth, and first moments with your newborn easier. We work with other practitioners to make sure you have all the support needed. These include: midwives, doulas, birth centers, lactation consultants, tongue/lip tie specialists, massage, acupuncture and more. 

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