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Chiropractic Can Be The Key To Your Mystery Symptoms

March 22, 2022

At Thrive Family Chiropractic we have seen an array of chronic unexplained health problems come into our office. Many times, our office is their last effort to get relief. They've tried every other avenue, every drug, and every diet change they can think of with no lasting results. These are the types of challenges we face daily with our patients. We take on these cases because we know chiropractic works and aids in starting the healing process from within. One of our many missions is to help families live vibrant healthy lives without the use of medication. Getting our patients off destructive medications like pain killers and SSRI's is a huge part of our practice here in Huntington Beach.

Let's share some examples of this scenario we've seen in the office:

13 year old female dancer with severe nausea, dizziness, ringing in the ears, trouble swallowing, migraine headaches, stomach upset, and anxiety. Doctors had diagnosed her with "occular migraine" and put her on 5 medications to calm her nausea and vertigo. Within 6 months, she had dropped out of school and had not been able to leave the house due to her extreme nausea. When her parents called our office in desperation, they explained that she couldn't even get in the car to come to the appointment. Weeks later, she made it into our office where the exam showed misalignments in her upper cervical spine which were compromising the function of her Vagus nerve. This nerve coordinates the entire gut/brain connection and aids in swallowing, digestion, and mental acuity. After 2 months of sporadic chiropractic care (she was still having severe nausea and couldn't make consistent appointments at the time) her nausea went from a constant 10/10 to a 6/10. One month later it was at 5/10 and a month after that it was 4/10. At this point she shared that she was off all 5 medications and that later, she was heading to a friends house to hang out. This was the same girl who experienced her life come to a screaming halt just 6 months earlier.

31 year old female with severe gut dysfunction, chronic migraines, brain fog, memory problems, fatigue, and sleep problems. She came into our office after a visit to the emergency room due to a migraine being so bad it made the left side of her face numb. During her exam we found that the nerves in her low back were not firing, causing weakness in her lower legs, absent reflexes, and poor gut health (the nerves of the low back control digestion). After trying many migraine medications and living on Ibuprofen everyday, her health was plummeting faster than she could keep up with. At only 31 years old she was living in fear and wondering if her body would ever be able to get pregnant. After 3 adjustments her migraines had become dull headaches and she noticed her concentration at work had greatly improved. After 8 adjustments, we started making small dietary changes which was decreasing her gas, bloating and constant bouts of constipation/diarrhea. Her skin started improving, her gut stopped hurting after every meal, and she hasn't had 1 migraine in an entire month - something she hasn't experienced since high school! There are still many things to be working on, but she has regained her sense of hope and sense of control over her health.

38 year old male suffering from obesity, high blood pressure, low back pain, trouble breathing, and chest pain. Every doctor had written his chest pain off as being due to his weight and he was getting desperate for an answer. With all the medications that doctors were giving him, it made him depressed and lethargic. His exam showed a distorted ribcage stemming from a car accident many years ago and he couldn't get a full breath of air. After just 2 adjustments he could expand his ribcage twice as much and get a full breath of air. After that glimmer of hope, something sparked him to start making changes in his health habits. He stopped smoking, ate healthier, got adjusted every week, and started walking daily. In 2 months he lost 30 pounds, lowered his blood pressure, has no low back pain, and his chest pain is almost gone. Regardless, chiropractic helped give him hope in his ability to overcome and heal. No drugs needed! In fact, 6 months after his initial exam he's off his blood pressure medications and now runs 5 miles 3x/week. Talk about a turn around!

If you are suffering from a complicated health history that nobody can help you with, it's time to try chiropractic. Chiropractic care addresses health from the inside, seeing you as a whole person - not as body parts. When you're in our office we get to the root cause of your health concerns and have the ability to help you naturally! Come experience the most thorough exam you'll ever get and learn how to heal again. 

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Shoulder pain can be a debilitating issue that affects daily life activities. From reaching high up in the cupboard, to holding your baby, to enjoying your favorite sports activities. Chronic shoulder pain can really impact your quality of life. Options to address shoulder pain are limited. Drugs, PT, home exercise, or surgery can be the only things offered to you. However, at Thrive Family Chiropractic we can offer a more comprehensive approach to your shoulder health and longevity. There are 2 main joints that create the shoulder joint. The AC joint, which connects the scapula to the clavicle, and the GH (glenohumeral) joint that connects the humerus to the scapula. Being that the shoulder is the most mobile joint in our body, it can fall victim to mobility problems. Shoulder pain and dysfunction can be caused by numerous things, which is why a skilled chiropractor is your best advocate. Common causes of shoulder problems: - Nerve impingement in the neck - Arthritis - Muscle imbalances - Poor posture - Repetitive trauma - Incorrect breathing - Weakness - Trauma This is why we take a comprehensive approach to shoulder problems. We check the mobility of each joint, the muscles that attach to them, the nerve that innervates the shoulder, posture, breathing, muscle strengths and weaknesses, etc. We’ll then adjust the problem area and create stability so your shoulder can work better without pain. It is hugely beneficial to meet with a chiropractor before going down the path of pain medications, surgery, or chronic pain! If you’re having a shoulder problem - no matter the cause, try our approach to building strong shoulder health!
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At Thrive Family Chiropractic we are on a mission to serve moms, kids, and families. That all starts with pregnancy and birth. Over the years, we've had many mothers enter our doors. Some have had particularly incredible stories to share. Here is a look into our office and the success stories we've had. One young woman had been married for 6 years and had never gotten pregnant. They weren't "trying" but they weren't not trying either. She came to us after her husband had started care for back pain. She was a stud athlete snowboarder also with back pain. When she learned what we do here, she was intrigued - yet skeptical. So we adjusted her for 3 months. They went on a family fishing trip and came back with a surprise. A positive pregnancy test! The only thing she had changed was starting chiropractic care. Now she has a healthy 3 month old baby boy. Another mom, this one in her mid forties was pregnant with her 3rd baby. She hadn't been pregnant for over 6 years and this pregnancy was knocking her off her feet. With 3 kids at home, working a stressful job, and not prepared mentally, physically, or emotionally for another pregnancy. She needed help and support. Her back hurt, she was puffy, she had sciatica, and headaches...all happening at only 3 months in. She started care and within 1 month she was feeling better than she did before becoming pregnant. Sleeping better, no pain, and able to move her body with ease. She made it through her pregnancy and had the easiest birth of her 3 children. A postpartum mom entered our office after having a traumatic birth experience. Her epidural was still causing her extreme pain and she was numb on the right side of her lower back. She hadn't prioritized her healing because she was busy with a set of twins. Her birth story was not the one she had planned and she ended up with an emergency c-section after laboring for 48 hours. She had extreme pubic bone pain and could hardly walk! Our neurology scans showed a lot of troubled nerve activity at the epidural site. After her first adjustment her numbness went away and she was able to take her first steps without a limp. Not only that, she reported she was able to have bowel movements again without stool softeners! Now that is what postpartum care should feel like. A second time mom came to us at 7 months pregnant. Her first pregnancy was tough, she was young and unprepared. When she arrived at the hospital for her first birth, she said it was total chaos. Her doctor wasn't on staff that day, she was stalling in her labor and they started intervening with drugs (pitocin). Her pitocin induced contractions were so painful she needed an epidural. After that epidural everything started crumbling around her. The stress of this birth forced her into a c-section. For her second birth she wanted to be more prepared! She learned that chiropractic can help breech baby positioning so she started care with us. Her pelvis was so tight and restricted, there was no surprise that this baby did not want to go head down. When it came time to birth, she wanted a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). With the tools she learned at our office and with the specific Webster adjustments, her baby made it head down and she got the birth she always wanted.
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